2025 In-classroom classes

Os Shallow Bowl
March 7-9, 2025
Wisconsin State Rosemaling Association
Stoughton, WI
You will learn the Os style of rosemaling, which is on the west coast of Norway, from Vesterheim Gold Medalist, Nancy Schmidt.
Os is a bright and fanciful style of rosemaling with colors that pop and imaginative flowers that draw your attention. The geometric designs and distinct linework in the leaves make this style truly magnificent to see and fun to paint!
We will be painting a 14" shallow bowl. Nancy paints in oils, which do lend themselves better to this style. If you are more comfortable with acrylics, you may use them, but it is more difficult to achieve the transparency of Os. This class is preferably geared more for intermediate to advanced painters.
Nancy Schmidt, VGM

Hallingdal with Andrea Herkert
April 25-27 2025
Sons of Norway - Mandt Lodge
Stoughton, WI
Andrea Herkert (VGM) will be teaching this class. This class will focus on the Hallingdal style of rosemaling. Additional information on the project for this class will be sent to students once finalized by Andrea.
Andera Herkert, VGM

Beginning Rosemaling
March 29-30, 2025
Sons of Norway - Mandt Lodge
Stoughton, WI
Nancy Odalen, VGM will be teaching this class. This is a 2 day in-person class for beginning painters. At this level you will learn brush control and techniques, complete a basic scroll and a flower form. The class will be taught in oils. We will work on practice boards. Contact Nancy Odalen for more information about this class at Vestlandetrosemaling@yahoo.com
Supplies can be made available to students at a cost of $20.00 which will include, paint, brush cleaners, practice boards, etc. The only other thing is purchase is brushes, but they will be made available to the students for purchase.
Nancy Odalen, VGM

Advanced Beginning Rosemaling
April 5-6, 2025
Sons of Norway - Mandt Lodge
Stoughton, WI
Nancy Odalen, VGM will be teaching a Beginning II class to build upon what you have learned during your first Beginning Rosemaling Class. This Class will be taught in oil. This class will have a project and we will be painting in the style of Romsdal. Please contact Nancy Odalen for more information at Vestlandetrosemaling@yahoo.com.
Students should bring their own supplies and brushes. However supplies can be made available at a cost of $20.00 and students can purchase brushes at the class.
Nancy Odalen, VGM

Os Box
September 5-7, 2025
Wisconsin State Rosemaling Association
Stoughton, WI
Various Os flowers, scrolls, leaves, and detail strokes will enhance this box. We will decorate the box inside as well as outside. The outside and inside of the lid will be backgrounded in Black and the inside of the box will be backgrounded with a lighter color. (Americana Bleached Sand) We will do some lazuring on the Bleached Sand for a textured look. This is a very colorful and happy piece.
Trudy Peach, VGM